Are you a HOLIDAY CHRISTIAN or an Everyday Saint?

Are you a HOLIDAY CHRISTIAN or an Everyday Saint?1 1 easter

Are you a holiday Christian? A holiday Christian is someone who on certain religious holidays come out and participate but the rest of the year you kind of don’t see or hear them. Someone who is full of Christmas spirit and tales about Jesus and the season and come January they are not in church and you don’t see or hear them until Easter time when it s time to dress up again and come on out. Let’s not forget mother’s day when you get to put on your big hat and pretty dress you just purchased. There has been calls for participation from church members and donations for this or that and you have not seem to be around for anything not even church and here you are in your pretty yellow Easter dress strutting your stuff to the front pews.

Holiday Christian or do you live for Jesus everyday? Do you practice living according to the word and the laws of the land? Are you a helper and a healer and will do all that you can do for your fellow-man? Are you a holiday Christian or everyday saint? I need you to allow yourself time before answering that question because your first thought will be the real thought of your reality which will shoot up to God and then when that first thought bounces back to you, you may alter and create a detour depending on how ashamed or embarrassed you feel if in fact you are a holiday Christian and not an everyday saint?

What? I’m just asking…

Don’t take things literal or personal. Not directed to anyone in general. It’s just something for EVERYONE to think about!



WEAR A DAMN CONDOM (They want to end abortions)

1 1couple

IN THE NEWS: they are praying to end abortion..TSK TSK we spend billions a year on foster care, welfare, food stamps, medical, physiological, and a thousand more. The horrible situations and lives the children are brought in, being born on drugs, etc and left on door steps and garbage cans. The mental minds of the children that are suffering because their parents should have worn a condom.

The mental minds of the children..keep repeating that to yourself as you think about your next date … WEAR A CONDOM because im tired of people hollering I DON’T BELIEVE IN ABORTIONS while you can’t afford to mentally or monetary care for your own self let alone a kid. The cost of child care so you can go to work exceed your pay check so please …WEAR A DAMN CONDOM.

We pay $700-1200 per month per foster care child that is in the system because their parents should not have had children and they should have worn a damn condom. They get a free vacation while foster parents have to get paid to care for the children who are mentally and physically screwed up and they remain in the system for a long time if not forever. Each child with a cost on average of $15, 000 per year in foster-care or at home with messed up parents getting welfare.

Abortions are needed for many reasons and we women only result to that if the reason is truly necessary. There should always be an option for whatever the situation may be and for each woman that reason and situation may be different. Sometimes its out of our control. But in the mean time, its my body and if I deem it necessary, I should be allowed the option of. It’s a hard and horrible thing to have to go through mentally and physically for anyone but sometimes its just a necessity.


IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO STRAP IT UP ….abortions should be free to the weary…that’s just me, im tired of seeing these children suffer physically and mentally.


educate the one you love ….

(hey, it was in the news)

summer bradshau 2015 copyright

The Death of Your Child at the Hands of a Man …


The Death of Your Child at the Hands of a Man …by Summer Bradshau

Recently in the news a 2 year old lost his life to the hands of his mother’s boyfriend or husband who was not the child’s father. Such a sad time for all three families but most importantly, his mother. His mother has to live with the fact that she trusted someone so much only for him to kill her son. She let the devil in! She allowed the devil to remove her son from this world.
God doesn’t need new angles by early departure. He can actually wait until it’s your actual time. We don’t need to give him angles before they are due!

One thing I learned in my life is that you cannot trust anyone with your children, and often times not even their own family. We would love to trust that people care as much about our loved ones as we do, whether it’s a senior parent or your child, people who are around the weak are often tainted with the purgatory of living. Their minds hang in between heaven and hell and just sometimes hell is where it dwells.

The mind can be a terrible thing to waste but can also be the most terrible thing to use. Currently in this recession the world feels the need to be medicated off any and everything. From high school to seniors we are pretty much all high on something. The ones who are not medicated are having trouble sleeping, having trouble thinking, having trouble determining what’s right and wrong even though a few years ago the mind was ok. We are at a different time and place right now and life is just … overwhelming!

Now that we know everyone is carrying great burdens, let’s look at reality … he beat a child to his death! Why would someone do such a thing?
As a mother of 3 myself, I have often had to leave my children in the care of someone so that I can do things in our lives that were beneficial and maybe even simply fun. Do mothers question their choice of people? Of course mothers and fathers question their choice of people but sometimes the situation called for help and sometimes all you can get is what you have to deal with like it or not. Is that good for the children? No but it’s something that we go through in life. Almost each and every parent.

Mothers are born with natural instincts that kick in when children are born. Mothers know how to love, forgive, trust etc. Not every woman will give birth to their natural instincts when they give birth to their child. Some women go through pregnancy as well as after the birth not caring for the child at all. We are flawed as humans but the bottom line should always be RESPECT. Respect to another human being.

Fathers have great bonds and some get the natural instinct as well as the mother. Some men will never feel any different having a child and buying a car. Sometimes those fatherly feelings may get in the way and the man rejects those feelings all together.
It’s a catch 22 when it comes to parenting and the feeling you carry with that role…

For some people, they have not become a parent as yet and don’t have the feelings of protection that parents have. If someone is not a parent, how will they know how to parent your child? They won’t know how to parent your child. They will only know how to respect your child as such.
Babysitting in my opinion should not be done by most men. Yes there are some men who are great at caring for kids but for the most part men SHOULD not babysit because of the lack of natural instincts that realistically exist.

The majority of children who die of abuse are killed by men and usually the boyfriend of the mother and most often when the mother is not at the home at the time.

Men can have no hidden agenda (women do as well) while they are sitting there watching the child play or listening to the child scream and cry but at some point, people snap and as a result, can’t handle the child and become violent, often out of their inner control. The mind simply snaps and now your child is dead and the person is in prison.

This can often be prevented …. How? MEN SHOULD NOT BABYSIT!

I hear women say, it’s not babysitting if it’s their own kid! Well yes it is technically because they don’t have the same maternal hearts that you do!

A man can be sitting there watching the child and all of a sudden a weird thought pops in their mind. They start looking at the child different. They get up and walk away and maybe even go in the kitchen and get something to eat but when they sit back down and start watching that child again, an evil thought starts to overtake their mind. Somewhere in the mind something was never right but you thought it was and you tried to make it right!
Now that the evil thoughts have started, the child by natural instinct starts to agitate the guardian and now the guardian has turned into a mental transformer of an abuser instantly within just a few moments or hours. The thoughts that are now provoked into the guardians mind are that of evil spirits and at this point the child is no longer safe. It is not what the child does that causes death, it’s what the guardian conceives in their sick and twisted minds that were not of this nature yesterday. (Maybe)

As a mother you hope the people you love will love and respect you in return but you have to be realistic and know that you only have control over yourself. You cannot control what other people do and think. Once you realize this you can have an easier life.

When I was a young single mother I knew that I had to protect my children. In order for me to protect my children I had to keep them from harm. In order to keep them from harm I had to keep people out of their lives. Sometimes those people were even family if that family was doing something that was not in good health or deed to my children. You may like your family member but if they smoke in front of your child, then maybe you can’t visit that family member when you have your child with you and you definitely may not want that person to babysit if you know that they will be smoking around your child.
As a parent I did not allow my children to sit on grown folks laps if I could help it. It’s not something we can allow in these days and times. We have to do our part to not provoke people into thinking and doing naughty things. We only have control over what we do so if I don’t sit my daughter on Uncle Smatts lap then Uncle Smatt won’t get horny and molest my child. Sometimes those thoughts in someone’s mind do not appear until Satan wants it to and you don’t want to help out.

I didn’t have a lot of boyfriends in my life because I had children and it was my responsibility to protect them. You have to limit the contact with men for the good of your children. Yes you have a right to have a life but your first right is to raise your child in a healthy and safe environment and often parents need to stay single in an effort to do so.
Get a babysitter (only if it’s convenient and safe) and go out and meet your date, you can even spend the night but your child does not need to be around every boyfriend or girlfriend you get. Sometimes a casual friend is all you can afford if it means keeping your child safe.

Children are children and not everyone can handle children. I am a parent as well as grandparent but I realize that children provoke me into stress sometimes so I have to limit when I babysit. Point blank period. It’s a whole mental mind thing I know but I know my limits so I use them accordingly. I’m not going to open up a daycare to make money and end up abusing the children because they work my nerves. If children irritate you, then by all means, don’t be around them and don’t babysit. You don’t have to apologize for that, it’s just you and you have a right to be you.

Boyfriends come a dime a dozen (girlfriends as well). They are most often temporary people in our journey of life. To trust them among your children is a huge step. That step should be taken with some precautionary measures. If you want to move someone into your life with your children it may be time to look at their police records. If they don’t have any, great, but still be cautious. Some men get with women who have children just so they can abuse them. Just so they can ruin their innocent lives. Sometimes the mother see’s it and ignores it, often times not because the predator is really good at disguises.

The Peterson child that was killed by his mother’s boyfriend was an innocent child. He didn’t deserve to die and no other child does as well. STOP ALLOWING MEN (BOYFRIENDS) TO BABYSIT your children. They just can’t handle children the way women can. It’s not saying they are a bad person or they will actually harm your child, you are just preventing something from stirring … in the mind of an evil person. (Women are abusers as well; we are talking about boyfriends today)

CHILDREN deserve to be protected by our boyfriends and girlfriends and step parents. It’s not right for the sake of love or orgasms to allow anyone to mentally or physically hurt your children. You took an oath to love and protect your children and sometimes that means being alone or single in order to do that. Everyone is so quick to re-marry, shack up after break-ups with the kids … that’s not cool. Let your children get a break from confusion. Allow them time to heal by being alone for a while. What you do affects your children too.

You have everyone watching your children and you have no idea what goes on when you are not there. Well, it’s time to know. Set up nanny cams or whatever you need but please stop letting your fly by night boyfriends babysit your children… They don’t deserve to die because the dick was good!

kids funeral

I’m just keeping it real …as a single parent; I had to go through it too!

Summer Bradshau, The Realist Mistress
2013 ©

Our purpose of living


Our purpose of living ….

We are born without permission to a family that was not chosen by us. It’s like pulling a straw so to speak, you never know what country, state or city you will be born into and you will not have authority over which race you are born into and for the love of all that is good, you will not have control over what gender(s) you are born into.

Once we have determined you are alive and well and on your way to adulthood, we will prepare to you by educating you so that you have the knowledge necessary to enter into the purpose of living which is to populate to flourish the world for the good of all mankind.

Once you are well educated we will enter you into the work force. All of mankind will enter into the work force of life. The only exception will be if you are disabled and unable to fulfill any work duties at all or if you are too old to carry out customary work duties and children less than 16 years of age.

Your education will determine what type of employment you will be able to secure. The wages you earn will be determined by the type of job that you get which will determine what kind of life style you can live. Whew that’s a lot isn’t it (laughing)? But its actually how the it goes down per say.

We are born to be active in the world by working, living, spending, populating, and so forth. The world was created to have a cycle of human beings live on until it is time to demise. We cannot get clear answers regarding that for the one to make life’s rules has yet to return so until then we must carry forth in a productive way that is beneficial to all of mankind as written in the by-laws of living.

We have to be able to educate ourselves and our children, not only what they need to know about how to survive in the world but we must educate them on the purpose of living and detailed information with the plan to implement and each step to take to secure it.

Currently we are raising children this way; we have a child and some out of wedlock (baby daddy). Often because we want someone to love and for someone to love us back. We raise the child but with a silent resentment sometimes because they are taking up too much of our time, our money and our lives. We send them to school and often irritated if we have to help with homework because we are tired. We tell them everything is not their business because they are kids and expect them to know something when they get grown. We kick them out when they are 18 regardless if they secured a high school diploma or not and we say get out there and find your own way and don’t come crawling back here!

OK … WHAT????? And you know that to be true!

They then have to know how to work, pay for housing, food and clothing. They also must secure their future so they have to know how to saving money for their retirement. They surely should know how to not let people cheat them out of what they have and how about teaching them how to be a good spouse and parent while you’re at it.

You know, the school can’t teach them everything. If we teach them as we are supposed to be teaching them they can grow up to be some pretty awesome people and not someone we see on the morning bad news.

The purpose of living is not being taught in the home and the information to live it is not provided by the parents or guardians. Its up to us to teach our children and their children the purpose of living and how to live it! There should not have to be a book or dialog for you to refer to. The rules are the rules and the purpose is the purpose. You might have had a different purpose for having children, but the way it was conceived was not an option. The creator is the creator and to not follow the directions on the box will cause you nothing but heartache and a lot of pain.

What’s your purpose for living? And what are you doing to secure it, Life … the ultimate sacrifice!

© 2013 Summer Bradshau, Your Poetic Mistress

$17 VISTAPRINT worth $70 what a steal and a deal for business or home

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Customizable products include business cards ($19.99+ for 250), wedding invitations ($11.99+ for 10), postcards ($24.99+ for 100), T-shirts ($11.99+), and more.


Out of a small French apartment in the mid ’90s, Robert Keane ran a catalogue focused on supplying small businesses with modest quantities of customizable marketing materials. By 1999, Keane’s meager publication had evolved into an Internet-based company armed with patented online graphic-design tools and a printing process engineered to quickly churn out small orders of custom business cards. After barely surviving the dot-com crash of 2000, Vistaprint regrouped and calibrated its three manufacturing facilities to produce a bounty of other customizable goodies. Today, the company’s arsenal of web-based design tools allows users to add personalized text, photos, and designs to thousands of templates for items ranging from calendars and mugs to T-shirts and birthmarks.

IMTP … “I miss you” means you missed the sex not the person


When your EX says “I miss you”! what that really means: MTP
“I miss you”! No you don’t miss me, you just miss the pussy/penis MTP
People say those words all the time …. “I MISS YOU” … do they really mean it or is it that they really just miss the sex you had?

Missing The Pussy or Missing The Penis, either way its gonna be missed! Why is it that the best pussy or penis in the world is usually not your forever, but your seasonal pussy or penis?
I mean the kind of pussy or penis that is “OMG” good. Never have to worry about deflation, motivation or deprivation. Just always, OMG good! Yeah, well, just know its seasonal if indeed its seasonal and keep it moving. One thing one must never do is “MISS THE PUSSY” or “MISS THE PENIS”!

Sure, one day you will be driving down the street and all of a sudden you get one of those “OMG” feelings that makes your body shiver and quiver. Surely one day you will be sitting in a waiting room full of people when you get that “OMG” feeling that makes you close your eyes for a brief second and moan out load (as you hear yourself moan you open your eyes and see that everyone is looking at you, so you say “my back is hurting so bad, omg” lol).

Relationships that don’t last often has the best sex tally. Don’t mistake love for great sex. Often times when you get caught up in the great sex you may blurt out that you love the other person because goodness the sex is so good, you actually could love them and right now while you are screaming their name it may seem natural to blurt out the words, “i love you” when in fact its the pussy or the penis that you are really saying i love you to for the person on the other end, is just, great sex…. sorry to burst your bubble boo but know the difference and know your role!

The relationship may be fun and exciting, you do lots of things and have great things in common but … there is one thing that is truly missing… the real love. For the real love was not meant for you to have. The sex is what made chemistry, made babies, made cum, made smiles, made issues etc. The sex was the motivator whether the body was present or not. So please sir/maam don’t get it twisted. Often times when you are laying on the bed, thinking naughty thoughts and looking at old pictures, please know, the “miss you” feeling you get is simply missing the pussy or penis, not the person. You are missing that “OMG” feeling you used to get during and after sex. The kind that can call you back 20 years later like it was yesterday.

Please dear friends keep my motto at heart: DO NOT LET THE SMOOTH TASTE FOOL YOU! its just your hormones speaking to you in the dark. You are not missing that person you are missing that pussy. You are missing that penis!

Don’t make the mistake to reclaim the pussy or penis. In doing so you may end up sad, lonely and even hurt… why? The pussy or penis was only seasonal and by getting it back you created … NTP effect. What is the NTP effect? Glad you asked ….NTP effect means NOT THE PUSSY or NOT THE PENIS! You will never “love” that person the same. Now you have a whole new set of issues when the memory of the pussy or penis as fine the way it was… a memory. And a great memory if you asked me but who’s asking who?
Don’t go after the old pussy or penis because it will never be the same again! You want the MTP effect and not the NTP effect.

Now, how many of you actually miss the pussy or penis and not the person? See, the truth doesnt hurt at all. Be real with yourself and you will be just fine. Now lay back and enjoy the ride …. think about all that good pussy or penis that has come into your life. And keep it as that … a memory!



Im just keeping it real … Summer Bradshau, your poetic mistress!

2013 copyright all contents


1 boston bomber

they can’t find a cemetery to bury the #bostonbomber … said the family is taking donations to get the body shipped back to Russia because no one will bury him. THEY ARE REFUSING TO BURY a terrorist! Good for them, the whole state is declining the body. The government refuses to get involved and his religion prevents him from being cremated so they want to throw him in the ocean like they did bin laden… wtf burn that fool! He didn’t give a rats ass about religion when he killed and maimed those people! And if his parents didn’t western union some cash (cause were not forking out anymore money), give him an eviction notice … you got 10 days or we is having a boston bomb fire! who got matches?

#burnbabyburn #bostonbombfireforthepeople #letthesharkseathim


1 1eraser


Isn’t it funny how love turns a stray? Love was just present. Today brings a new day. Happy feelings . . Gone

Magic moments… deceased

Memories of you simply Erased

How does one measure what love really is? Infatuation is scarce and the vibrations are motionless. My mind unprocessed the view master slides. It rewinds to the beginning and deletes line by line.

You are not even a memory. . Simply Erased from my time. I don’t know where to find you or if you even exist. Eraser marks are left behind to remind me that someone was there. But because I can’t see you, I don’t even care.

Watching the future unfold bringing new memories into play. Leaving the past far behind. Erasing yesterday. How does one measure what love really is? See how long the Eraser marks go from beginning to end.

You are . . ERASED!

COPYRIGHT summer bradshau, your poetic mistress

PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: the wearing of Leggings


photo provided by jjill (the perfect place to purchase proper shirt and leggings


LADIES: Leggings … are to be worn under a long shirt or dress, something that covers your ass (butt). The upper garment must go to the bottom of your butt at the least. Please note; leggings are indeed see through (MOST) once stretched. PLEASE REFRAIN from wearing leggings as sweat pants when wearing them outdoors if indeed they are see through.

It is not cute for any size woman to stretch the leggings to fit and wear a t-shirt that stops over the butt. The shirt or dress must go down to the bottom of the butt or beyond. How many people are really tired of seeing women with see through leggings? It’s not attractive nor sexy!

Its also not appropriate to wear leggings to work with a shirt that rises over your butt. If you are working, people do not want to see inside of your world. It is like wearing white leggings on your period even if you are wearing dark leggings. Once they are STRETCHED … they become see through and often embarrassing from the back view while your view is feeling quite lovely.

We understand they are comfortable but have some self respect as well as respect for those that are behind you. Children can see you bootay, so sometimes, just sometimes, self respect UP and cover up.

THIS IS A PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT! Sometimes the view is def NOT CUTE! Snap shot that!

PLEASE TELL US YOUR VIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 leggingsseethru<

1 leggings4

1 leggings3
copyright summer bradshau

Purgatory Living: Stepping out of the Purgatory of living and stepping into a new beginning!
by Summer N. Bradshau et al.

VISTA PRINT discount LIVING SOCIAL $19 for $75 worth of products

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summer bradshau, your poetic mistress

THE VIPER VENOM … injected directly into your lympathic system!


now … close your eyes as you sit inside while you create the magical kiss, like this … her legs un-cross as your mind takes over a fantasy into the abyss… the dark windows steam, as the accelerator screams, a hundred into the wind, the seat gets wet as you pant your chest and the sensation you can’t ever resist … the VIPER VENOM all up in em leaving her simply breathless … summer b the poetic mistress!

2013 copyright

Summer Bradshau

i write the words you write the song …



 i see the smile upon his face as he lay in bed with the thought of her … she was beautiful and she was … a vision in his mind as he tried to intertwine with the reality of what he had seen before it escapes his empty head for only he can create the space of what will never in life take place as she moves a cross the floor, the vision only becomes much more than he can handle on any day … her perfume scent, her soft touch, will never come to pass, it was his last!   


from Summer b the poetic mistress  I write the words, you write the song! 2013 copywrite

I hear the earthly angels singing … HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013


I hear the earthly angels singing … HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013

Removing the old to embrace the new,

I’m ready for the New Year I don’t know about you …

Life I know will be what I make it but 2012 wished deleted and forsaken

As we approach 2013 I can hear the earthly angels sing

They are singing praises and prayer over our world

As we grow together, hand by hand, love by love

Forward we go into the New Year

Making changes in our lives

Creating new memories to share

2012 great learning experiences indeed

But I rather leave it behind so to advance to what is due me

2013 brings a brand new beginning

New plans, new friends

But only if I create it

2013 is ready for us to show up and show out

Bring our talents to the plate, toss it up and make the devil shout

We are the only way the world can bring forth change’

We live positive lives; help each other to live happily

Out with the old and in with the new

Don’t take any of that old shit into 2013 with you!


I hear the earthly angels singing …

2012 copyright Summer “Oh Nikki” Bradshau

the ghost of the holidays past ….

Christmas Backgruond with Golden details


As the holidays are approaching us we are reminded first of what has been lost in our lives … a loved one, finances, our homes or things. It’s a natural instinct to reflect upon the past. It’s the whole Christmas story. Pulling out your view master slide and reflecting on what you will miss, what life use to be like this time of year and hardly ever do we first think about how beautiful we can make this holiday even if it’s just in thought and not doing.

Right now people all around the world  want to click their heels and go back to a time and a place that made them happy  inside. A place where they felt loved and appreciated… a place where it felt like home!

I want to go back to such a place but unfortunately I cannot so I must make it a point to make my first thought one of the present. How can I make this a pleasant holiday for myself with what I have going on in my journey right now.

We have to use mind control in order to make such decisions. We have to brainwash ourselves into something comfortable enough.

It’s ok to miss what we had but we have to understand that it’s a part of an unfortunate redirection that must be taken in order to sustain the blood flow through our worlds in the forward direction before it clots and we remain un-sustained. You can worry so much about what you miss or don’t have that you destroy a happy spot in your brain that you need for other parts of the season as well. You see if you sulk in the past for the holiday season, you will soon do the same for the rest of the seasons. There are always reasons to think about the past but it must remain a memory and not to be lived in your present by your absence from space.

You have to redirect your thoughts so that the memory takes place and then you add a new one for the present. And soon you will learn to think of your present first and then your past as you go through it.

Keeping that happy spot in your brain alive is a necessity for the rest of your life. If you melt it with the past, you will never enable yourself to live again and to be able to embrace the holidays in the future.

Holidays as well as your everyday will always be what we make it regardless of what has happened or didn’t happen in our past. Make your holiday a Happy Holiday however you can. Even if it’s in thoughts and prayers.  And practice thinking of your present life first and take a short visit to your past but come back and visit your present again. Don’t spend too much time in the past … it’s where it is now supposed to be!

Happy Holiday’s From Summer B … embracing the holidays with prayers for peace!

A letter to my killer …

“Keepin Real” so everyone can hear!

A letter to my killer … by Summer Bradshau
Featuring: Translations (T) by Too Sweet

(“Too Sweet keeps it real… she will translate so that everyone can understand the real talk…will she talk about the subject so hard it leaves you needing a dentist? How deep does she get? Filling or Root Canal… you choose!)

As I lay here, dead… my thoughts go to you! How did You become so empty inside that you can take the life of another without any feelings of wrong? In your eyes you are right. How did you truly become a killer?

(T) Where the fuck is your brain that you feel you can just take someone’s life and end it like it was your call! You are not my keeper!

After you celebrate your victory I will forever be etched like a tattoo in your heart and your mind. Deep within the skin that can never be removed… I will remain like scar tissues growing inside of you causing you pain. I will become a part of your DNA… a part of your FAMILY!

(T) After you smoke your victory blunt I will fucking haunt you for the rest of your short pathetic life. Every time you think life is good … you will think of me and become ill. I will be your vision for the rest of your days… and your children’s days as well. Bitch!

My family loved me. They cared about who I was and it was not your business to disturb that. My family will love me forever! You… your memory will not even be a memory. Your family will never even remember your name other than “killer”.

(T) You were pissed because I got more game than you! And what the fuck does that have to do with me? I will forever be remembered for I am somebody and to the world… your bitch ass wont even exist!

Even though you have victory over removing my body from this earth you do not have victory over which my soul now hangs out with (God). Just so you know, if God was not ready for me… I would not have arrived! Who you got?

(T) You may have killed me and for that I will give you a Klondike Bar but my soul now rides with God! That you have no control over…my Gods got me from here! And where will your soul go? Did they say it’s getting hot over there?

I have a name and I am one of Gods children and no man can take that away! You can walk the streets like you normally do, go about raising your family or growing old, you may even kiss your mom at Thanksgiving like I used to but please know that victory will never be yours for what we do to others can often come back for not only you but also for your Family too!

(T) I was somebody before you decided I wasn’t! Don’t think you are gonna be able to go about yours like you didn’t just take me out. You better watch your back and your front. When pay back comes and oh it will come, the kiss of death may find you or your family too! Muah to the mother fucking killer in You!

(T) I see you!
Forever yours!

Just keeping it real! Damn, that was sweet!

Too Sweet! I think I need a root canal!

 2012 copyright summer bradshau

Your right to be High off Marijuana


Your right to be high off  of Marijuana


 MARIJUANA is technically not legal … at all! They are allowing the sale of Marijuana temporarily for whatever reason or law they want. Just know is not legal!

Cannabis Clubs are not legal but again allowed under state rules and regulations. Which means what?

YOU DON’T HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HIGH! On marijuana that is…

Your company can fire you if you are misrepresenting them. They can sue you for misrepresenting them.

If your job says you are not allowed to be high on substance and you fail a drug test, that’s your bad. You don’t have a right to be high just because you have a card. You don’t have a right to be under the influence at your work place. You don’t have a right to drive high as well.

It is not advisable for you to walk into a cannabis club with your WORK UNIFORM OR COMPANY VEHICLE. Why you may ask, because your employer does not condone the use of marijuana. There are risk factors in the residue of marijuana and employment.

If you smoke pot the night before, technically when you wake up and put on your work close and step into your company car, you are still high! A lot!

The residue of marijuana has a lasting effect. You may think, “well I smoke the night before” but that smoke may last well into the next day or two depending on your tolerance or chemical balance.

IT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD for company employees to be seen at a pot shop! That does not present as professional establishment and if found out, you can be fired. You see, someone will always see you and someone will always talk.

You can wait until you get off work if you feel the need to be high. Do not put your job and or company reputation on line because of your personal life. IT’S JUST NOT APPROPRIATE and as adults we have to be accountable for our actions. Stop letting people know your business if it doesn’t need to be known. I don’t need to know that the guy at AUTO ZONE is high and may not be ringing me up properly. (if you smoke you know it does interfere sometimes).

JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE A CARD does not give you any rights! You don’t have a right to smoke it in public, you don’t have a right to smoke it in front of or around children and you don’t have a right to BUY IT IN COMPANY UNIFORM! How adult are we?

If you feel the need to be high, do it within your own private world… cause we don’t need to know!



©summer bradshau

Knowledge is the KEY


Knowledge is the KEY by Summer Bradshau 

WE WAKE UP and we step out into the world without any certainties at all of anything. Our intentions are in motion but there is absolutely nothing within our control. Not even our selves. Life from moment to moment is not guaranteed to be on your timing. Knowing this will allow you to plan your days accordingly…

We live for today without the need to know about tomorrow but the world creates a force of inconsistencies and to keep ourselves above the water we must look into the future. There are morals and rules that we have accustomed to in an effort to move in the same direction the world is moving into. Those rules often go broken and against the better principle of life because the world forces you to follow direction or else you will be trampled to death.

Some things we can sacrifice for and hold strong to depth of it but to know your future is securing your mind of falling into the abyss that can happen at any moment. It’s ok to not have complete control over your being but at some point you have to be allowed a free mind and spirit.

Where do we purchase certainties? Where can we put on lay-a-way principalities in our lives? By when will we feel a sense of peace when we stand firm in what we believe? This world is free of mind without the body being present and the soul filled with darkness.

As people… where do we begin?

You can learn how to live your life in such a way that the world is your basic department store. You stock your store with the basics that you need to utilize on a regular basis. Keep in mind to keep your store free of clutter and junk that won’t sell. You have to stock the shelves with only the things people need so that your overhead does not outweigh your profits.

Are you supplying your store with unnecessary junk, things in your life that are not needed? Can you pick up your life and move in a different direction without being tied down to unnecessary things. While we may need to know what are future may hold, are we preparing ourselves to live it? Or are we tied down to this place called earth?

We have to work on getting our lives in order… Knowledge of our mission in this life… to live.

Knowledge is the key to all things good or evil. Without knowledge there can be no order. Without order there is opportunity for failure of all things. Even to be a thief you must have knowledge of a plan to steal something. Pray for Knowledge and throw in some Peace!

I’m Summer B and I’m just “keepin it real”

Holding you Hostage in life

Holding you Hostage in life …  by Summer Bradshau

You say that I am free yet you continue to keep me held hostage against my will.

You say that I have freedom, yet you take away my rights to be free… to be me.

You say that America is where you are able to be anything you need to be yet I don’t see any Americans, I see others being.

You say that I have a right to live under my own Government yet you hold me hostage under yours…

You say… I have a right to be anything I want to be in life as long as it’s licensed or whatever is needed to be it.

You say… I have a right to marry anyone I want to marry and be as one yet there is a slight preference of gender.

You say… I have a right to have sexual relation with anyone I choose, but as long as you don’t collect money in return.

You say… I have a right to have children but want to make it illegal to terminate them.

There are so many things that are laws of this fine nation yet were made for us to enjoy and moderate the frequency of.

We cannot terminate our life legally with respect when we are ready to. We are held hostage in our own life.

We are kept to enslave for others and their laws. We have no control over our own selves. The right to do what we want with our bodies is not ours. We have to abide by the laws that have been put before us. We were born into the world without our knowledge, and we live in the world that is put before us whether we want to or not.

 One way or another we have to learn to live and follow the pattern and tradition of the free world. Keeping the laws and the language as it has been for years before us. To change and alter is becoming accustomed to through the freedom we rely on… each individual and the way they deposit into the free world plays a huge role. The more the citizens participate the more freedom we are allowed to have.

How do we allow freedom to those who will abuse it and leave the rest of us in the mess they created, so we have laws and standards that we are willing to accept from the people.

 Foster children are becoming way too common. You will allow people who probably should not have children, leave a trail of them in the system for others to take care of. Some people abuse the ability and the blessings of having children so maybe we can create a system where we are taught how to live and not just thrown out there for the killing. Children should have priority and rights over any adult. Make adults go to school and make them take control of their own children even if under a program. But the child and parent should not separate. That money you spend on the child to live with someone else can be spent paying rent for the parent under a special program that helps them the same way without foster care. Make parents be held accountable some way. With the brilliant minds of the world you mean to tell me there cannot be a team that creates a better system than the one we currently have. We are going bankrupt on foster care and public assistance. Teach people how to live and be parents so that the economy does not suffer as a result.

Prostitution is illegal because of the exchange of cash. If cash is not exchanged and it is done for free… it’s legal to do as long as you do it indoors. Now at first I thought my body was my body and with it I could participate and do what I wanted to do that was within reason. So… what you are saying is, I can have sex with anyone I want to but I cannot accept money in exchange.

Where does that make any sense to you? Why can’t I accept cash from anyone regardless of why I am accepting it. I am a free agent of anyone but me so why can’t we have sex like we would anyway and you give me cash when we are done. What is wrong with that? Why is that so bad and why are we wasting so much money protecting no one from it.

It is not illegal for a married man to have sex with someone other than their spouse. It is not illegal for a gay or lesbian to have sex. It is not illegal for an 18-year-old and up to have consensual sex. It is not illegal for Judges and Lawyers alike to have sex with anyone they want and while being married.

Without the exchange of money, sex happens and will always happen. There will always be infidelity and greed, lust as well as the forbidden fantasies. So I ask again… why is it so bad to give money in exchange for sex.

We take people out to dinner and pay the tab, we take people shopping and pay the tab, we pay bills for others and we may also be a receiver but whatever it is and who ever we are, we exchange love and goods on a regular basis. It’s how we live.

I can purchase a bottle of alcohol at the local store if I am of the age of 21 and have proper identification if needed. It is legal for me to do so anytime I chose to. It is legal for me to drink the entire bottle of liquor all at once if I chose to. What is not legal is for me to be outdoors or behind the wheel of a car or anything else mechanical or on wheels or air. I can be drunk as all outdoors in privacy, but must not inflict it on others. That is basically what the law is saying in so many words. We will make it legal for you to have if you keep it to yourself. Ok, I don’t have a problem with that. That’s very nice of them to do so. I enjoy having a drink every now and then.

Marijuana is an illegal substance that is naturally grown but has for the most part been chemically altered to appease the taste and potency for man. Now if grown properly can be a great substance without adding chemical enhancements. This particular drug as it is known is an actual herb but again, man enhanced, makes it a drug. It is great for people with chronic pain and other health issues as well as kids with ADD. It is a herb that can help a lot of people when needed if given the proper licensing. If you smoke a joint, or drink it in tea, you will most likely be in a relaxed mode. You may want to lay back and have a snack or two and just chill. You will think of some stupid stuff and maybe even laugh a lot, but for the most part, you will be in better condition than you would having the bottle of alcohol. Alcohol makes you hurt after you have come off of it and sometimes makes you do things you would not normally do. It can create a more aggressive effect on you. Marijuana gives you a relaxed effect as to say, the hell with the world. I don’t have time, and you keep going. How many deaths are there because someone was high off marijuana as the main factor? The legalization of marijuana can help the economy but again, they think it’s a black thing and is more hesitant to do anything about it because of when in fact we know where all drugs come from peoples, lets just figure out the plan so everyone can prosper and grow accordingly.

Holding us hostage in things that have actual great profit margins when you look at it in dollars and cents. If you legalize prostitution and marijuana but make everyone have proper licensing for marijuana and only allow distribution in licensed facilities we can control it so it’s not out of control. Prostitution is stupid. If I want someone to come sleep with me at my house and I charge them money that should be my business. Stop trying to control everything. What happened was, one day someone in charge of laws husband slept with another woman and the wife found out that the husband gave her cash so they made it illegal to do so in the future… now you know that’s not the story but it must be because how stupid is that law. Sleeping with someone is legal as long as I don’t get paid cash. Buy me a car in cash and I’ll take it back and get a refund…. I mean come on. Make it a business if you want just like massage therapist and allow people to open shop with a license and you collect the tax and profits of said business. Whatever the plan becomes, do something because that is a stupid law. Only married people want that law and that’s just not how we want to continue spending state and government money keeping a law. Underage sex is different. But regular consensual sex…

 The world is holding you hostage with high mortgages and property tax. I mean, how high can mortgages get? Well we saw how high they can get and boy was that a catastrophe. What a way to end the world but with high mortgages. Not only did it leave half the world homeless, but it destroyed half the job force and killed the economy. Just like the great depression, people were jumping out of windows as a result.

Why is housing so impossible to secure. Why does the government allow people to be strong armed into paying almost their entire salary on the rent or mortgage alone making it impossible to live and or raise a family?

Our world has gotten so greedy that we are allowed to ruin it any way we see fit because we have the freedom to do so? There should be standards and provisions that the world makes in order to keep it moving in the right directions. When we as people are allowed to make moves that destroy it, control should be regained through government reinvention of the way things ought to be. Put a noose on us and bring us back to reality. How many rights do we deserve to have and how far are we willing to go to get it? If we don’t stop and take a step back we will end up destroying ourselves. No need to go to war, we will have it right here at home.

Being held hostage is sometimes for our own good, you have to determine how much bondage you need for you and act accordingly. We do not have to partake of the entire world but we do have to do our part in protecting it and making it better, for we are natives in the world not of the world. If we use the only control we have over ourselves to be better people, we can contribute to a better earth. We only have one shot at this and boy are we ruining it.

©2010 copyright sb/ad

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“Sell it all and come with me”! ….

Sell it all and come with me…. by Summer Bradshau

Sell it all and come with me…. By Summer Bradshau   December 11, 2010

“Ok fine but where are we going? Dear child, no one knows where they go, you just follow me and you will find yourself there.”

How many of you can actually get down with that? Can you really sell your belongings, your happiness as you see it and follow Jesus? Find out who God really is and believe it…

Can you give up the comfortable life you have in exchange to follow Jesus, where he leads you? Even if you don’t know where that is?

Is that something, in your life and or your faith, you see yourself doing?

I am starting to understand what that may mean and in experience, the journey has been God’s all along, I am just the vessel he uses when he sees fit.

I sat down to write a few moments ago with no topic in mind and what came off my fingers were not mine at all.

“Sell it all and come with me” is what I typed and then, my thought went to… ok I can do that but where are we going? I do know that was a question maybe I not ought to have asked but it’s a natural question that many of you may ask yourself in the position. It’s not regular that you are told to sell all that you have so that things are not tying you down physically and mentally. People or spirits don’t just blurt that out on a regular. In the event you are standing in an elevator and the spirit tells you to sell all that you have and come with me, your first reaction is not just, ok cool. Ok cool is easy, we can sell our stuff, or can we? Would you have a problem with that? The next normal question was asked with many friends and family in a lifetime is, “where we going”? I think it’s normal to ask this of anyone in your life when they say “let’s roll”. Ok cool, where we going?

Not to be disrespectful but I kind of want to know where I’m going sometimes but if it’s not possible, right now in my life, I can pretty much adapt to anything that will allow me happiness.

So I see that I will be getting rid of things in my life that may tie me down to where God does not need me to be. I am paying attention enough to see that I am needed more than just where I sleep. Now that I have an empty nest there is a new position in my life. One cannot simply live alone, alone, forever, all by yourself. You should be out sharing love and helping to distribute world peace. What are we doing to make a difference in the world?

Are we helping to build better communities? Are we building more shelters for the homeless with guaranteed success or are we continually complaining about the subjects and not have a solution. That in turns makes us part of the problem. We are not helping to come up with solutions to help remedy the subject.

Sell your things and come with me can mean a lot of things, spending time with different family members, offering help and your service for if only for one day. You can volunteer to babysit, wash dishes or just be around to laugh at a TV show or help to feed the dogs. Whatever it is, God can always use your help to spread love around the world.

Where are we going, may mean everywhere or no-where at all. We can travel abroad to share the word and help out where needed or we can be needed right here at home but our lives are so consumed with stuff and work and things that we are missing it all.

You can work too much to try to have extra when God just wants you to have basics right now so that later you can have an abundance of whatever your heart desires. It’s not always worth it to live for another man so that he can rest easy and you are missing your whole life of blessings by being a slave for the sake of the money or fame.

We can need to sell the mansion and the expensive cars so that our focus is on living and not having. Foreclosures are at a high because God saw too much greed in the world and had to put an end to it. If you cannot afford to pay cash for it, you do not need it right now. Why spend 5.8 million on a mansion to live in and you are rarely home. That mansion is cold and hungry for attention that you will never be able to give it. You can buy a home that cost you 1.9 million, save money on the furniture bill, electricity bill and all the rest that went with the 5.8 million dollar beauty. You can add about 200k to making yours a winner and be more comfortable. The other 4 million you saved can be invested for your future. You are not guaranteed to be able to produce that kind of money on a regular. Now that is being a good steward of your money and your happiness.

Sell it all and come with me…

How many stars can respond to something like that? With all the money and things that are acquired as part of celebrities, can anyone of us actually sell it all and live according to his will and plan without it being yours?

When I asked “where are we going”, this is the reply: Dear child, no one knows where they go, you just follow me and you will find yourself there.”

Ok, cool. Again, I’m down with the whole thing. The last couple of years have been a learning experience for me. I am seriously paying attention to what role I have and am trying to live accordingly. But who in the world can really give up all that you have acquired in life and live for Jesus, with Jesus, through Jesus without a guarantee?

If we see someone with a need, do we turn another cheek or do we make a sacrifice and help out. Anytime you do something for someone without an expectation or return, it’s a great sacrifice. Can you do something for someone without even expecting a “thank you” in return? We are supposed to do things for people without anyone knowing about it according to the good book. Are you an Indian giver or a sincere giver?

“Follow me and you will find yourself there”, can be a little scary but is anything that God does scary? Of course it is because doing well is not normal. We are born through sin and sin is most natural for us. To do well is a struggle thus creating a scary effect of failure or natural instinct.  I don’t know about you but in  my life I have followed some crazy, lazy, mean, broke, lying, conniving, no good people and to follow someone who can guarantee happiness if I follow the directions on the box, is more of what I need in my life right now.

I want to find myself happy, free, giving, humbled, spirited, and everything else God needs me to be. I want to be a blessing to others. I want to find myself helping others more than I help myself. I want to see the laughter people have inside of them and the smiles that are hidden underneath the frowns. I want to follow someone what has a flash light and a horn. I want to see the rainbows after the storms. I need to follow someone with a GPS that is guaranteed HAPPINESS.

I want to live ….

Sell it all and come with me…. My bids are starting on eBay. I have no need for things that keep me from being the best that God wants me to be. It broke my heart to acquire it whether it was in my time or sweat and pain. I cannot take it with me when my expiration date arrives and my loved ones surely do not want it, so why am I wasting it by keeping it. Filling the house and garage to the rim of unnecessary things that are mentally and physically keeping us from living for God.

Sell it all and come with me can mean a lot of things… what does it mean for you?

©2010 Summer Bradshau/ahd

©2010 Summer Bradshau/ahd